
jueves, 6 de junio de 2013


Perdonar/Forgiveness - W. Brugh Joy

“Visualiza a la persona que te ha traicionado, herido o abandonado, y rodéala de amor incondicional. Ve a la persona, siéntela, huélela, oye su respiración, y ámala incondicionalmente.

Cuando perdonas plenamente, esto no sólo tiene un efecto sobre la otra persona: libera energía en tu propio ser.

Detrás de todo odio hay un gran amor que no fuimos capaces de resolver”.

“Visualize the person who has wronged you, hurt or abandoned you, and hold him/her in an unconditional radiance of love. See them, feel them, smell them, hear their breathing, and love them unconditionally.

When you forgive fully, this does not only have an effect on the other person: it frees up energy in yourself.

Behind every hate there's a great love that one hasn't been able to handle".